Tuesday 4 September 2012

Weigh-in - Week 62

Well I'm back after one of the best holidays I can remember. We went to a cottage, on a golf course, near St Gilles Croix de Vie in the Vendee region of France. After 2 weeks I am very pleased to say that at this morning's official Weigh-In I have only gained 4lbs, which means that my current weight is 16st 10.4lbs - my target for the holiday was to come back below 17st. Hopefully, by getting back on track, this small gain will come off as quickly as it went on.

For the first time I have been able to enjoy (yes enjoy) an active holiday, which made my son very happy. My son and I were able to go surfing, which, as my regular reader will know, is one of the targets I set for myself when I started WeightWatchers. We had 4 1.5hour lessons with a very nice Frenchman called David. After the first lesson my son had pretty much cracked it and was able to stand up on the board and ride the waves in, I, unfortunately, only managed to stand up and fall straight off by the 3rd lesson (and I didn't get any better in the last lesson). I can say that it really was great fin and I couldn't have done it without losing the weight and getting fit over the last year. I know now what I need to be able to do in order to surf properly, so, by the time we go on next year's holiday (back to the same place, it's already booked!), I will need to be more flexible and agile. Flexible and agile are not words that have ever been used in any description of me, so please wish me luck and let me know of any tips that might help me achieve it.

As well as the surfing, we managed to get one round of 9 holes of golf in. Unfortunately it was quite expensive and both my son & I felt that the money was better spent on the surfing. We did enjoy the golf though and we did our best to get full value for money out of the round (golfers will know what I mean by that).

My downfall on this holiday, if you can call a mere 4lb gain over 2 weeks a downfall, was the nibbles, wine and beer by the pool and the occasional Run & Raisin Ice cream, plus the odd glass (bottle) of wine and beer. I managed to achieve this remarkably small gain while not tracking at all. In fact I just treated the holiday as though I wasn't on a diet and I ate and drank exactly what I wanted to.

Now that I am back I have started tracking again (yesterday) and I went on the CrossTrainer for the first time in over 2 weeks this morning (we got back from our holiday on Saturday evening). I did take my kettlebell with me, but only did 2 sessions with it, the surfing was more than adequate exercise. I'll be doing the kettlebell workout tomorrow and, hopefully, I'll soon be back into my normal exercise routine.

I'll report back next week to let you know how I've done at losing the holiday pounds, bye for now.

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