Well it's week 25 and the last weigh-in before Christmas and, unfortunately, I've missed my target of being below 18st for Christmas :-(
After the weight gain of a few weeks ago, I thought it would be tough, but achievable! Sadly it just wasn't to be, for reasons that are not really obvious to me. I've done nothing different in the last few weeks that would explain this slow down, although, due to a touch of man-flu (a minor cold if there's any ladies reading), I've not done any exercise since the beginning of last week.
I must apologise to any regular readers of this blog, assuming I have any, for not posting an update last week. I think I'm beginning to find it a bit more difficult to think of things to write each week and I was feeling a little under the weather so I couldn't muster up the enthusiasm to write. I promise that I will try harder in the future.
Have a very happy Christmas, try not to put on too much weight and be ready to start afresh in the New Year.